Saturday, October 30, 2010

Making Love....and Cheese.

Ok, so here is the skinny: EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FRIENDS HAS A BLOG!
Of course, I read them in hopes that if I ever started a blog, they would return the favor (ahem! hint). I get to read about their glamorous lives on the far off coasts of the United States while I am still stuck in the midwest. I started in Minnesota and am now attending Northland College in the northernmost part of Wisconsin - a way-to-small town called Ashland. Ever heard of it?
Nope, you haven't, trust me.
At least I have moved over a state, that's got to count for something...right? Anyway, still stuck with bulky clothes, mittens and hats almost year round, and worst of all SNOW. Snow that falls by the foot, and temperatures that freeze your contact solution even when it is inside your dorm room. 
However, there is something quirky and maybe not as fabulous as fashion week in Wisconsin. Do you know what it is?
Wisconsin is the cheese state and I get to live here for the next four years! How lucky am I?!
Fashion, seeing various celebrities on a daily basis, and living in big, glamorous cities...pfft! I don't need that, I have cheese!!!   
As mentioned in the title, this is a two part blog focusing on Love and Cheese. The 'Love' part of the blog is simply to celebrate the joy that people bring me in my every day life. For my first 'Love' post I would like to thank everyone who has read this post and will continue to read. I thank you for all of your support and I hope this blog can make your heart warm and fuzzy and also provide you with valuable information on Wisconsin's claim to dairy fame. 
Also, to keep this blog fresh and interesting I hope to have some posts in here from some of my friends who also love cheese. 
I hope you are excited as I am to learn about cheese! 

1 comment:

  1. Fun read Sig- I miss your upbeat spirit. I hope to see you soon.
